Speaking of things that don’t have a chapter and verse…

My friend in Canada called me a prophetic intercessor.  Hmmm.

Cindy Jacobs defines it this way:

Prophetic intercession is an urging to pray given to pray for situations or circumstances about which you have very little knowledge in the natural.  You pray for the prayer requests that are on the heart of God.  He nudges you to pray so that He can intervene….

You will sometimes enter into identification with or feel the emotions of the one for whom you are praying….You might weep or feel sad.  Sometimes people feel agitated, and don’t recognize it as the need for prayer for someone other than themselves.  If you are agitated, ask the Lord why you are feeling uneasy and trust Him to speak to you.

OK, so I cannot give you a Biblical example of this, but it has happened to me on more than one occasion.  It sounds crazy.  But I don’t think I am crazy, although I sometimes wonder.

One day at our church staff meeting, I was feeling unusually agitated.  I say unusually because it is often the case that I feel a little stressed at these meetings.  But this was physical and very strong and I couldn’t put my finger on it.  Nothing had happened to make me feel the way I felt.

I looked over at the pastor, and began to watch him.  I noticed he could not concentrate on what my husband was saying to him.  His eyes were darting around.  he seemed… agitated.  I asked him if he was ok and he said (quickly) “Yes.”  Then he said, “Pam is having some tests done today.”  His wife was at a doctor’s appointment at that same time, and she was having some pretty serious tests.

I asked if we could pray , and we stopped and prayed.  Immediately, his agitation lessened… and so did mine.

Other similar things have happened. Remember the friend whose face I saw and started crying?  We’ll call her M.  The other night, God woke me up all night praying for M and her family.  I don’t know what all is going on, but I do know she is in desperate need of prayer.  And God knows it.  It gives me an indescribably glorious feeling to know that God loves M enough to arouse some bewildered Baptist in another country from her sleep to pray for something she doesn’t understand.

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