The New Normal

As I write, I am sitting in my mother’s hospital room. I am using Sydneys kindle,  which I am not very good at. Forgive me if I forget or forego punctuation. I can’t always find the comma or the apostrophe. This is Day 22 in the hospital. This is the new normal for me. When I am not at work and the visiting hours are open, I am here. It ‘s hard. But it is only for a season.
The weirdest part is Mom’s new normal. She can’t walk or go to the bathroom. She gets really confused. I am discovering that when she is confused it most likely means her sugar is high. Right now she is talking a little strangely, and her sugar is 357. Inexplicably. Actually the nurse said it is the prednisone making it high. I don’t know what the prednisone is for.
We get excited when she eats yogurt. She goes to sleep at 7 pm. This is the new normal.
The future is a question mark. At some point she will come home with us. She will need someone with her all the time. We don’t know how much she will regain. But I know God is in control, and I know He is good.

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1 Response to The New Normal

  1. Joyce says:

    A new normal is hard to adjust to, but even that is just more training for the next step God has for you. And God will help you with the adjustment. And find 100 ways a day to make your mom feel welcome and not a burden even when you realize your comfort zone just got crashed and your schedule is always interrupted. My prayer is that she’ll be able to function again in the way God designed our bodies to function.

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